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2nd Assignment

2nd Assignment

There are 5 task in this assignment which includes the 5 steps (empathy, define, ideation, prototype, present). It is a group assignment inclusive of 5 members. In this assignment, we are required to design a country with the main elements, topography, history, map and flag. Final decision of country: People's Republic of Utopia.  

Task 1 (1).png

Task 1

A compilation of task 5 (assignment 1) from each group member is done in task 1 (assignment 2). We combined our characteristics of desire country to find out the similarities between each other. 

Task 2

In task 2, we first decided on the country name. Then, we sort out the similarities between groupmates and started working out on the main elements of the country. Main elements of the country including the history, topography, economics, highlights, architecture and etc.

Task 2 (1).png

Task 3

A simple map of our country is outline accompanied by the segregation of city. 2 maps are presented to be compared and only 1 map will be chosen as the final decision for our country's map.  

Task 3 (1).png

Task 4

In task 4, we had designed 2 flag to represent our country. A comparison has been made to define which flag suits our country better. Details in both flags are assembled representing the main elements of our country. 

Task 4 (1).png
Task 5 (1).png

Task 5

A final outcome that represents our country the most is presented in task 5. The final map, flag, country name and motto are finalized after discussion. Here it is our final country --- People's Republic of Utopia. 


This assignment is a group assignment and I am very thankful to my groupmates Joey, Zhiyi, Andrea and Xin Rue. We helped each other through the high and low in this assignment. Teamwork really played a big role in this assignment which I am grateful it all went out well. Everyone was cooperating and trying our bet to make our final outcome perfect. Designing a country is harder than I thought as many factors and components need to be considered. 


Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC) that I have acquired: 


TGC 4: Communication Skills

I have learn to communicate ideas with my group members. Communication plays a big role in this assignment as it is a groupwork. Communicating with each other to agree with a final decision that everyone is satisfied in is important. Therefore, I had improved my communication skills throughout the whole assignment. 


TGC 5: Interpersonal Skills

I learn about team dynamics and mobilise the power of teams in this assignment. Teamwork is the main principal in this assignment which can be seen in my group. We helped each other when facing certain difficulties. We even stayed up late together to finish the assignment and perfect it up. 

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