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1st Assignment

In this assignment , we have 5 task in total. We are required to define personality and desire, determine what makes a person and country, describe our favourite person and country, explain our own personality and desire country and finally present the final outcome. 

Task 1

In task 1, I am required to extract information and general information of 'personality' and 'desire'. A brainstorm session is done and a few elements are extracted to be included in the final presentation of task 1.

Assignment 1 - task 1 (personality).png

Task 2

In task 2, I am required to present a visual note regarding 'what makes a person' and 'what makes a country'. It requires certain capabilities or attributes from being a person and certain elements or qualification to achieve a country. 

Assignment 1 - task 2 (what makes a person).png

Task 3

In task 3, my favourite person and country are listed in the slideshow on the left with reasoning. My favourite person is a badminton player name Yuta Watanabe whereas my favourite country is Australia.  

Assignment 1 - task 3 (favourite person).png

Task 4

In task 4, I am required to have a brainstorm on my personality and my desire country. Main idea should be written accompanied with some visual icons. A rough list of ideas that represents me and my thoughts are jotted down on the right. 

Task 5

The picture on the left is the final outcome of task 5. Main ideas are taken from task 4 and a detailed version is presented in task 5. The points represents my personality and my ideal country characteristics. 

Assignment 1 - task 4 (my personality).png
Assignment 1 - task 5.png


This assignment was indeed a tough task for me as I didn't come across any task like this before. I am very blur and lost in the beginning, plus it was only the first week since I enter college which makes me even worried. However I am thankful that I have Mr. Akmal and Ms. Reene, both my lecturers guided me well so I can get back on track and start working on the assignment. It was a challenging assignment for me since it's my first time using Canva to finish this assignment plus I'm not familiar with apps and gadgets. 


Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC) that I have acquired: 


TGC 1: Discipline Specific Knowledge

I have learn to apply the knowledge that I had learn during lecture class and able to put the theories into practice. My lecturer did told us some techniques and way of thinking during lecture classes which helped me in this assignment. It acts as a guidance to me throughout the assignment to help me produce the finest final outcome.


TGC 2: Lifelong Learning

I tried learning independently throughout this assignment. I did some research , learnt to extract and utilize the information well individually to be applied in the assignment. This is an individual assignment which I can't rely on anyone. It was tough as there is no one to help me out but I tried to cope with it and adjust my phase to ensure not to drag the assignment until last minute.  

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