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Overall Reflection

This page will be an overall reflection for the 4 assignment that I had accomplish in this module throughout this 14 weeks programme.  

Throughout these 14 weeks, I've learnt a lot such as tangible and intangible elements. There are 2 individual assignments and 2 group assignments in this module. At first I find it challenging as this module is 100% assignment based and it has more assignments compare to other modules. But as time pass by, I've manage to cope with it and finish it off smoothly. I've learn many things throughout all 4 assignment including basic knowledge of elements in natural built environment, teamwork, communication skills and many more. 


In assignment P1(A) and P2(B), I am required to finish the whole thing myself as it is an individual assignment. I am required to draw out in both assignments which got me worried as my drawing skills are not that good. Seeing my other coursemates draw so well makes me even anxious. But by having multiples trial and error, I've finally came out with a product that I'm satisfied with. The process of researching information for both assignments was quite of a headache for me as I can't really find details I need. But after searching different pages, I still manage to get what I needed. 


As for assignment P1(B) and P2(A), both are group assignments. I am glad to have my fellow groupmates Joey, Zhiyi, Xin Rue, Jia En, Clement and Yong Liang to help me through the assignment. We all work as a group to accomplish the assignment smoothly. We all brought up our own ideas to be discussed and finalised. Although there are some problems faced but we get to find a solution to overcome it. 


Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC) that I've learned:


TGC 1.0: Discipline Specific Knowledge

Throughout all assignments in this module, I've learnt how to apply the knowledge that I've learned during lecture classes. It helps me to understand more about the knowledge learned as I got the chance to apply it in real life. 


TGC 3.0: Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

I've learned to think critically and creatively for all assignments in this module. Creative ideas are required in all assignments especially P1(B) and P2(A) because we need to create something new which require a lot of 5W1H. In that case, explanation must be given to solve all those questions


TGC 4.0: Communication Skills

Throughout this assignment I've improved my communication skills. I've learn to communicate more with my group members in order to accomplish this assignment with less trouble. Ideas in my head were spoken out and I communicated more with my group members to finalise with a better option. 



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